To answer your question best possible, please read, and if possible, please answer the Questionnaire.

To work out a project proposal and an offer about delivering of equipment for production of ceramic building material.
  1. Which clay is available?
    • Have you got any clay analysis, which you can give to us? If you don’t get any clay analysis, can you send us 30 - 50 kg of the raw material as a representative sample to our address to Brilon carriage free? We give it to a recognize laboratory.
    • Per clay analysis there are costs about approx. 5.000,00 €. These cost have to pay in advance. These amounts will be credit to you in the case of an order.
  2. Which products have to be product?
    Please give us measure, drawings, weights, and the quality standard, which have to be reach.
  3. Which capacity have to be reach in the single product groups?
  4. Which infrastructure is at your disposal for the planed brickworks?
    • Please give the kind and the parameter for the supply of energy (electro energy: tension voltage, frequency; natural gas, heavy fuel oil or light oil; gas pressure, heating result, compound).
    • Is there super-heated steam and warm water (technical details)?
  5. What supply capacity have to be offered?
    • What area consist of used and what of new components?
    • Is the investor providing the complete plant or another plant components which are possible available?
    • Have the investor experiences to carry on a brickworks?
  6. When is the carrying out of the project planed?
    • Who will be the purchaser of the plant?
    • Exists any ideas to finance the concept?
Before handling a concrete project proposal, the points which named above have to be cleared and worked out.